Rev. Ralph Rodriguez is one of eight children born and raised in the South Bronx. He and his wife, Denise, were married on November 14, 1981, and have four children: Elizabeth, Bethany, Ralph, Jr., and Daniel, and have three grandchildren: Steven, Samuel and Katherine.
Pastor Rodriguez worked for 31 years at Verizon Communications before his retirement in June 2010. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Lancaster Bible College in 2019. Pastor Rodriguez has also graduated from the New York School of the Bible in 2016.
Pastor Rodriguez has been serving the Lord since November of 1988 and has been a member of Manhattan Grace Tabernacle since its inception in September of 1989. Before becoming Associate Pastor of MGT, Pastor Rodriguez served as a Deacon and Head Usher. As Associate Pastor he gives oversight to the Ushers’ Ministry; he facilitates Christian Foundation classes; and he helps direct the Men’s Ministry. For many years Pastor Rodriguez has served as Pastor Rivera’s loyal and much trusted right-hand person.
Pastor Rodriguez became an ordained minister in 2007, and became the Associate Pastor of Manhattan Grace Tabernacle in October of 2007.